AWC Constitution and By-Laws
AWC_Constitution – English rev Oct 8, 2015 (PDF)

AWC Constitution – Dutch rev Oct 26, 2015 (PDF)

AWC By-Laws – Eff April 13, 2023

AWC Financial Statements

Financial Statement – Annual Report 2021-2022

Our Mission Statement

AWC Mission Statement

RSIN (Entities and Partnerships Information Number) / tax number = 007408705

AWC General Proxy Ballot [Download pdf]
Voting may take place by proxy, but a single member may not represent more than one other member. If you are unable to attend the General Meeting where a vote will take place, then please be sure to vote using the General Proxy Ballot. When completing the proxy ballot, you may leave the name of the proxy holder blank. The signed proxy ballot can be photographed or scanned and then emailed to

Based on our Bylaws, the vote will be considered legal only if there is a quorum of at least 15% of the membership voting, so be sure to vote by proxy ballot if you cannot make the General Meeting. Our Parliamentarian, will oversee the election.